Friday, June 25, 2010


I promise I'll be better about this! I know it's been a long time, but there hasn't been a lot going on to report about.

I did some temp work for an Allstate office in town, so I have a bit of spending money (which was MUCH needed), but the job hunt continues. I applied to the Gap today, so Adam Sandler, David Spade, and Chris Farley just better look out. I guess we'll see where that goes...

Corey and I are doing great, I'm very happy to say =) I wish we got to see each other more often, but I guess absence makes the heart grow fonder. I'm crossing my fingers that next week we'll be able to get together and spend some time watching movies and eating terrible (great) food... in pajamas.

I do have some stuff to write about regarding some acting exercises I've been doing to keep fresh and learn more- I want to take a class or something just to get more than the nut jobs at Montclair have to offer. I've been reading Uta Hagen's "Respect For Acting" (Why was this not a textbook????) and I've found it is HUGELY helpful in explaining all the shit that my acting teachers are apparently incapable of articulating. For a long time I thought it just wasn't possible to explain the techniques that they were trying to pass on to their students... as it turns out, it is in fact quite possible, and they just aren't very good teachers. Their lessons were just missing *actual* technique, explanation, and structure. If we'd been learning what Uta teaches in the order she explains it, I think Montclair's students would be far better off. Instead we get the indecisive, nondescript teachings of people whose knowledge I have no choice but to question. I'm not saying there's a recipe for good acting, but I am saying that if we had actual lessons and exercises, rather than just throwing us all in the deep end to sink or swim, we might have had a better shot at success. Sometimes I think they just don't want all of us to succeed, but that might just be my pessimism...

Anyway, I'm going to Liz's for movies and junk food (a common theme in my life, apparently...) so I'll be back to write again soon. You'd think with so much free time, I'd be able to write more, right? We'll see...


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